Thought Process

Thought Process

The driving force of your life. 

By Parag Jasani o
Updated on

The most effortless activity a person can engage in is the activity of thinking.

That may be a good reason for a common man to take it for granted, but does not explain why science does not engage in the effort of understanding how it works.

Based on the dictum coined by French philosopher Rene Descartes, “I think, therefore I am”, thoughts are the mark of our existence. …more

Why do we Sleep and Dream?

Why do we Sleep and Dream?

The mystery of sleep and dream revealed. 

By Parag Jasani o
Updated on

Even when they consume one third of our lifetime, sleeping and dreaming are among the biggest mysteries of mankind.

Current research on the topic is full of data like frequencies, wavelengths, oxygen levels, heart rates, etc. What it does not explain is the reason why we sleep and dream, which is revealed in the following explanation: …more

Understanding Awareness

Understanding Awareness

On the meaning of the term awareness. 

By Parag Jasani o
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Merriam-Webster dictionary defines awareness as “having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge”, according to Wikipedia, it is the “state or quality of being conscious of something”, Macmillan dictionary defines it as “knowledge or understanding of a subject, issue, or situation”, whereas defines it as “having knowledge”. 

Even when they differ, none of them fully define what awareness is.  …more

Thinking in Language

Thinking in Language

How we use language to manage information.  

By Parag Jasani o
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We use language to communicate with others. By communicating, we can exchange our knowledge and views with others.

Based on the adage “knowledge multiplies when shared”, when our knowledge is shared with others, they can test, build, expand, refine, etc. on it, thereby optimizing and multiplying it, which is further tested, built, expanded, refined, etc. when they share with others, thereby further optimizing and multiplying it, and so on.  …more

Difference between Male and Female Brains

Difference between Male and Female Brains

First ever explanation of differences between male and female brains based on the process of natural selection.  

By Parag Jasani o
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Over thousands of generations, human brains have evolved to fulfil the evolutionary goals of survival and reproduction.

To fulfil them, two fundamental qualities are required:

1) Craving Attitude for copulation, which helps in the goal of reproduction by ensuring healthy human propagation and

2) Caring Attitude for others, which helps in the goal of survival by ensuring quality upbringing of the offspring thereafter. …more

I Am Better Than You

I Am Better Than You

Revealed for the first time – one of the most significant mechanisms driving the human mind.

By Parag Jasani o
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Nature has awarded every human being with the feeling that he is superior to others in whatever he does, including anything related to him, like his personality, physical attributes, power, possessions, etc.

Although it is known as superiority bias, there is a mechanism behind it which is not known to science – a mechanism which is the core reason why sports and games exist and is SOLELY responsible for pride, arrogance, flattery, etc.   …more

Can Your Legs Do the Thinking?

Can Your Legs Do the Thinking?

The mystery behind fidgeting behaviour.

By Parag Jasani o
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(Continued from the previous post)

Can your legs do the thinking? No, but close enough. They can be used as placeholders for the thought process. 

In detail: As observed in my studies, making small, repetitive movements like shaking legs, biting nails, playing with fingers or personal objects like glasses, pens etc., which are known as fidgeting behaviours, are tools our brain uses to optimize its operations when engaged in deep …more

What is Degree of Attention?

What is Degree of Attention?

What happens when you pay more attention to something?

By Parag Jasani o
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Despite exponential progress in mind and brain sciences, without a causal account of the human brain, knowledge about degree of attention, a phenomenon as ubiquitous as breathing, is still a mystery. Following is the first ever explanation of how the mechanism underlying degree of attention (i.e. intensity of attention) …more

How Does Meditation Work?

How Does Meditation Work?

The truth about meditation.

By Parag Jasani o
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How does meditation make the brain powerful? What is the difference between various meditation techniques? Why does the mind wander?

Without a causal account of the human brain, it is not possible for science to give coherent answers to these questions. 

Following is the first ever explanation of how the mechanism …more

Human Brain Is Complex. Not Complicated.

Human Brain Is Complex. Not Complicated.

The popular belief that the human brain works in a complicated manner is wrong.

By Parag Jasani o
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Human brain is the most complex object in the observable universe. Its complex functionality is contributed by interactions of many interconnected mechanisms that form what we call ‘mind’. Such mechanisms by themselves are very simple. It is their interactions with each other that result into complex behaviour.

Even when the brain is highly complex, as there is a difference between something being complex and something being …more