Essential 1: The Fundamentals
How Mind Emerges from the Brain

The simplest explanation of your existence


Although it’s not known to science, the core reason we have two hemispheres in the brain is that in order to optimize our interactions, both of them need to process our ongoing interactions in two different ways.

As per the Dichotomized Operating System model 1:

The left hemisphere, which I call system 1, uses direct logic and the right hemisphere, which I call system 2, uses contextual …more

Essential 2: The Driving Force
Optimizing Aspect of Natural Selection

The driving force responsible for our existence

Following is a brief introduction to the dynamic optimizing aspect of survival and reproduction characteristics based on the process of natural selection. It is the driving force behind mechanisms and processes running in the brain that are responsible for our existence and drive our daily lives.

Charles Darwin

It is based on the process of natural selection proposed by Charles Darwin in the year 1859 in his book ‘On the Origins of Species – By Means of Natural Selection’.

It explains how all organisms have characteristics with intrinsic tendencies to survive, reproduce and dynamically optimize their operations in a step-by-step manner. All human behaviour is based on such …more

Systems Thinking and the Human Brain

A new paradigm in mind and brain sciences


Anything that has multiple parts which work collectively to reach common goals has to be driven by a system. Such multiple parts cannot work independently and still reach common goals.

This simple and fundamental fact is not taken into consideration by scientists, who study various aspects of human brain in greatest of details, but do not see it as one integrated system. …more

Neuroscience 2.0

Adding Causation to Correlation


Human brain is acknowledged to be the most complex structure known to the mankind. Technology has advanced to such levels in the recent years that it has helped the mankind learn more about it in the last two decades than in the entire human history.

One of the biggest contributors for such progress …more

Causal Approach

Simple, Reliable and Conclusive


The typical scientific approach to understand how the brain works is by debating and forming opinions based on ideas and observations. As all of them are based on perceptions, which can be distorted by many factors, they differ from person to person, making it difficult to understand how they work conclusively. …more